Cancellation Policy

At Fodewo, we recognize that there are occasions when you may need to cancel an order. We endeavor to streamline this process to make it as straightforward and convenient as possible. Here’s a detailed outline of our cancellation policy:

Cancellation of Orders

Customers wishing to cancel their orders can do so by reaching out to our customer service team via email at To expedite the cancellation process, kindly provide your order details, including the order number.

Changes to Orders

If modifications to your order are necessary, such as updating the shipping address or altering the items, please contact our customer service team promptly. We will make every effort to accommodate your request, taking into account the order status and item availability.


Refunds for canceled orders will be processed within 6-16 business days from the date of cancellation. The refunded amount will be credited to the original payment method used for the purchase. Please note that the timing for the refund to reflect in your account may vary, depending on your bank or credit card provider.

Late Cancellations

Late cancellation requests are those received after the order has been shipped or after the specified cancellation period for a particular product has elapsed. In such instances, fulfilling the cancellation request may not be feasible, and customers may need to proceed with the return process once they receive the items.

Out-of-Stock Items

Should an ordered item be out of stock, we will promptly inform you and present alternative options if available. If no suitable alternatives are found or desired, you may opt to cancel the out-of-stock item from your order, and a refund will be processed accordingly.

Pre-Order Items

Cancellation of pre-order items is permissible up until the specified pre-order deadline. Beyond this deadline, cancellation requests may not be viable as the item progresses to the final stages of production and preparation for shipping.

Customized Items

Customized items are tailor-made products personalized to meet the customer’s preferences. Due to the unique nature of these items, cancellation requests can only be accommodated if production has not commenced. Once production has commenced, cancellations may not be feasible, and refunds may be subject to certain restrictions.

Should you have any additional inquiries or concerns regarding our cancellation policy, please feel free to reach out to our customer service team at We are here to provide assistance and support.